Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Estimation ideas

Check out https://www.stevewyborney.com/?p=1744 for some cool estimation slides prepared in powerpoint!.

NEW* Get your kids talking about math!

Same but different is a new website you need to check out! For early years all the way to junior high kids. https://www.samebutdifferentmath.com/
See samples below:

How are these two images the same but different?
How are these two images the same but different?

How are these two images the same but different?
Check out the website there are tons of ideas!

3 Act Math Lessons Tip Sheet!

If you are using or want to use some 3 act math lessons here is a tip sheet to consider! It is from tapintoteenminds.

Ideas for Collaboration/Problem Solving and Alternatives to Traditional Paper Pencil Activities

 Building 21st Century Skills    See previous posts on Building Thinking Classrooms - Peter Liljedahl and  Number talk activities . Alterna...