Here is some more information about some of the ideas from the above posts:
1. Estimation 180 -
On this web site Andrew Stadel has created visual images to help with building estimation skills. Students are asked to make an estimate that is too low and too high then an estimate and here is where the discussion can take place..why? I think this activity would work with students in Grade 3+. I used it in my grade 5/6 classroom and found it very engaging! Here is an option for the K-2 classrooms:
2. Number Strings - very similar to the number talks I shared in my last post. Here is a great post and a video of using these in grade 4.
There are also a number of books from Cathy Fosnot's Context for Learning series.
Number strings can be used in grades K+ (K-1 can used dot images, ten frames and rekenrek's)
Dot patterns for K-2
Number talks/strings for K-7
3. Which One Doesn't Belong - there is a web site as well as a book for younger students. In this activity, the teacher shows 4 images and asks for a reason why each one of them do not belong. Great discussions using mathematical vocabulary happen! Check out the web site -
Also have a look at the book by Christopher Daniels - it comes with a teacher guide as well!

4. Visual Patterns
We know patterning, extending and coming up with an equation based on a pattern is something kids need a lot of practice with. On this web site Fawn Nguyen, has gathered a number of patterns for you to use as a quick beginning of class number talk.
Here is a link where Fawn describes how she does her pattern talks.
5. Would You Rather
Another way to start your math class is with a would you rather picture. Most of the ones I have seen are for older students. Grades 5+ An example of a would you rather is below:

6. Fraction Talks -
I found two different web sites that you could use in grade 5+ for fraction talks. Very similar to a number talk - but you are using fractions!
7. Same or Different -
Encouraging math talk during your math class.
For all students even our youngest students to learn how to talk about various features of mathematical objects – quantity, shape, color, orientation, and arrangement, to name a few.
8. Splat - This web site has an incredible amount of pre-made power points for you to use as a warm up activity in your math class. The video below explains what a splat is and the link above takes you to Steve's web site.