Tuesday, 13 August 2024

Ideas for Collaboration/Problem Solving and Alternatives to Traditional Paper Pencil Activities

 Building 21st Century Skills

   See previous posts on Building Thinking Classrooms - Peter Liljedahl and Number talk activities.

Alternatives to Traditional Paper Pencil  Activities

1. Self-checking task cards, placed around the room. Students can start anywhere, solve, and then look for the answer on top of another task card. Pros - students are moving, teachers can provide assistance, students know immediately if they make an error and work on finding their mistake. 

2. Partner whiteboard work - both partners solve the question on their whiteboard and then compare their work and answers.

3. Technology - lumio lessons, desmos activities, and quiz type games(Kahoot, Blooket, Gimkit, Quizizz)

4. Puzzles and games. Ideas Tarsia puzzles, matching puzzles, card type games

More to come.....

Number Talk Posters

 Check out these fabulous posters for adding and subtracting strategies for grades 3-8.  https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/sa/public/fishert...